23. November 2022 / Online & kostenlos
ÜBER DIE CX1 Mobility
Die Zukunft der Mobilität ist in vollem Gange.
Neue Dienstleistungen und Anbieter fordern die Automobilindustrie mit Transportlösungen heraus, die nie zuvor möglich waren. Traditionelle Autohersteller sehen sich einem intensiven Wettbewerb mit anderen Verkehrsträgern wie der Mikromobilität und dem Mobilitäts-Sharing ausgesetzt.
Jeden Tag kommen neue Technologien auf den Markt, die uns helfen, einfacher, besser und sicherer von A nach B zu kommen – es wird immer wichtiger, den Kunden in allen Phasen der Reise das bestmögliche Erlebnis zu bieten.
Unsere CX1 Mobility-Veranstaltung wird den Fahrgästen einen Vorgeschmack auf die kommenden Entwicklungen in der Branche geben. Seien Sie dabei, wenn wir unsere digitale Bühne für Redner von Park One, Ipsos und German Autolabs (um nur einige zu nennen) öffnen und erfahren Sie, wie Sie das Kundenerlebnis in den Mittelpunkt stellen können.
Was euch erwartet
20 Minuten | Keynotes
Tiefe Einblicke und Best Practices anhand von Praxisbeispielen aus dem Alltag der CX-Experten.
30 Minutes | Deep Dive
Detaillierte Erklärungen und Learnings aus der Praxis zu konkreten Themen- und Spezialgebieten.
Digital Networking
Über 1:1 Matchmaking digital – per Video oder Chat vernetzen.
30 Minutes | Panel
Experten diskutieren aktuelle Themen und Trends im in der Automotive Industry.
Agenda Preview
Hier finden Sie alle Speaker der CX1 Mobility 2022.
Line Up
Holger G. Weiss
Holger G. Weiss
- Keynote:
How Will the Last Mile Change the Way We Think About Commercial Vehicles Forever
While everyone is focussing on flying taxis and autonomous vehicles, the true mobility revolution happens in the commercial vehicles segment. Many of the latest developments will happen here first. The reason is simple – there is business
Dirk Moersdorf
Dirk Moersdorf
- Keynote:
Why We Call It Consumer Journey, and Not Tech Journey
Touchpoint optimization along the Consumer Journey has often been a race for the newest technology, and greater efficiencies. In a worldwide survey among CX experts “CX Global Voices 22” Ipsos have observed a shift to a more strategic and consumer-centric thinking. In the session, detailed insights of the study along with interpretations and recommendations will be shared.
Sebastian Taraz
Sebastian Taraz
- Keynote:
From Parking Garage Operator to Mobility Hub Manager
As a parking garage operator Park One is the link between the real estate industry and mobility. We want to make parking a pleasant experience for all users. This includes ticketless parking, charging stations for e-vehicles, a service-oriented, 24-hour control center, friendly and professional staff on site, separate parking spaces for classic and sports cars, valet parking, park & ride offers, neighborhood car sharing, e-bike/bicycle rental and much more. By reducing urban traffic and on-street parking we see ourselves as part of the solution for sustainable urban development and livable cities.
Christopher Harms
Christopher Harms
Christopher Harms, Business Transformation Strategist EMEA identifies innovative Strategies and Visions to solve todays and future challenges companies face in customer communications.
With his extensive experience in sales and realization of complex IT and CX requirements, a passion for a great customer experience he serves our customers as sparring partner, idea giver and Partner to deliver outcomes that align to their business strategy.
- Keynote:
Driving Customer Expectations in a radically changing world
Individual Transportation is one of the biggest challenges we face as a society. Miles Mobility Co-Founder Florian Haus and Christopher Harms (Business Transformation Strategy EMEA at Zendesk) talks about the importance of great CX and challenges already mastered and ahead.
Valentin Jahn
Valentin Jahn
- Keynote:
How to Create Innovation From Customer Feedback?
Let´s discuss some insights from my role as consultant, project manager and entrepreneur in the mobility sector and beyond.
- the beginning of shared mobility – from bikesharing to carsharing
- mobility apps as one fits all solution
- new business modes for mobility providers
Florian Haus
Florian Haus
Florian started his professional career in the retail sector. The Berlin native worked in sales within the FMCG industry before founding MILES Mobility together with Alexander Eitner in the autumn of 2016. At MILES, Florian is in charge of all topics related to the customer care product and its ongoing development, as well as the topic of data protection.
- Keynote:
Driving Customer Expectations in a radically changing world
Individual Transportation is one of the biggest challenges we face as a society. Miles Mobility Co-Founder Florian Haus and Christopher Harms (Business Transformation Strategy EMEA at Zendesk) talks about the importance of great CX and challenges already mastered and ahead.
Janina Ahmed
Janina Ahmed
- Keynote:
Why Experience Matters in Mobility Subscription Businesses
Customer consumption patterns are evolving and traditional mobility services don’t meet customer expectations anymore. Customers expect an effortless and sustainable mobility solution that caters to their individual needs. FINN offers an all-inclusive car ownership solution tailored to ever-changing customer expectations. The all-inclusive service enables FINN to own all touch points along the holistic car ownership journey, thereby allowing many opportunities to create value and build a long-lasting customer relationship.
Luca Moity
Luca Moity
Luca started his Customer Care Career in 2018 in a Berlin based scooter company before joining MILES in late 2018. Back then he was part of a 3 person team which he helped to grow to a +60 Person team in Berlin. At MILES, Luca is responsible for automating and developing processes in Customer Care and all teams working with Zendesk. (>100 persons)
- Masterclass:
Going the extra mile! How to introduce a multi stakeholder process into Zendesk
What happens if all goes wrong and our customer has an accident and needs help in an easy way to get back on the road quickly.
In this Session we like to share insights how Miles Mobility and Zendesk solved complex customer requests that require the involvement of multiple stakeholders
- Make a complex process easy and convenient as possible
- How did we implemented the process changes
- What are our learnings and Improvements
Alan Atzberger
Alan Atzberger
Alan is passionate about mobility. He publishes the weekly Mobility Briefing “All About Mobility” and is the columnist of “Von A nach Alan” at FUTURE MOVES.
- Masterclass:
New Mobility Changes How We Interact
Showing new ways of interacting with customers in the mobility industry
Die vierte jährliche CX1 WORLD-Konferenz fand am 12. und 13. Oktober 2022 statt und brachte die globale Customer Experience Community zur größten kostenlosen Online-CX-Konferenz des Jahres zusammen.
30+ Sessions: Experten, Masterclasses und mehr
Große Geister denken anders: Treffen Sie sich mit Gleichgesinnten – lernen Sie von CX-Visionären
100 % kostenlose Online-Veranstaltung: eine actiongeladene 2-tägige digitale Erfahrung
Die CX1 CONFERENCE | Mobility wird tatkräftig von unseren Partnern unterstützt. Treten auch Sie der CX1 Community bei und werden Sie Partner!